Data Resources
ACS American Community Survey
AFSP American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CMHC Community Mental Health Center
KCTC Kansas Communities that Care
KDHE Kansas Department of Health and Environment
KIC Kansas Information for Communities
KSVDRS Kansas Violent Death Reporting System
KYAS Kansas Young Adult Survey
LGBTQ+ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning +
VA Veteran’s Administration
YPLL Years of Potential Life Lost
Kansas Resources
Kansas Information for Communities, Death Statistics*
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) houses the Kansas Information for Communities (KIC) website. Here, users can access counts and/or rates of deaths in Kansas.
Available variables: year, age group, sex, race, ethnicity (Hispanic Origin), cause of death, geographic region (state, county, Kansas Health Preparedness Regions, district office regions, or peer groups)
Most recent data available: 2022
Kansas Information for Communities, Emergency Department Diagnosis Statistics*
The KIC website also has data related to Emergency Department and Hospitalizations. Some mental health and injury diagnosis categories are able to be queried through KIC but see KDHE’s Suicide Related Dashboard for additional suicide-specific data.
Available variables: year, age group, sex, race, ethnicity, pay source, diagnosis, geographic region (state, county, Kansas Health Preparedness Regions, district office regions, peer groups)
Most recent data available: 2021
Kansas Violent Death Reporting System*
KDHE houses the Kansas Violent Death Reporting System., KSVDRS data is available on KDHE’s website as infographics or as a dashboard. Rates and counts of deaths are available.
Available variables: Intent (homicide, suicide, unintentional firearm, undetermined), year, sex, race/ethnicity, mechanism, and circumstances
Additional data available upon request from Sophia Ringering (
Most recent data available: 2021
Kansas Communities that Care Survey*
The KCTC Survey is a yearly survey conducted in schools by Greenbush across the state of Kansas. Community members can see generated reports for a variety of indicators or create their own reports. Results are presented as percentages of the student population.
Available variables: Geography (state, county, CMHC regions, gambling regions), year, categories (i.e., depression/suicide, school domain such as bullying, and community domain such as norms and laws), grade level (6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th)
Most recent data available: 2024
Kansas Young Adult Survey (KYAS)
The KYAS is an annual random sample survey conducted by Rutgers University and analyzed and
reported by Greenbush. Data are weighted and results are presented as percentages of the population of Kansas young adults aged 18-25.
Available variables: Age, in college/not in college, year, categories (i.e., depression/suicide, substance use, physical health/stress, gambling)
Most Recent data available: 2023
Kansas Suicide-Related Data Dashboard
The KDHE Zero Suicide Program houses the Suicide-Related Data Dashboard that Incorporates data from multiple sources, with various visualizations for rates and counts of suicide-related mortality and morbidity (emergency department visits and hospitalizations) such as suicide death, suicidal ideation, self-harm, and suicide attempt).
Available variables: Year, sex, race/ethnicity, age groups, mechanisms, geographic region (state, county, CMHC catchment areas, Trauma Regions), social vulnerability, and near-real time mental health emergency department visits
Additional data available upon request from Lauren Gracy (
Most recent data available: 2022 (except for Syndromic Data tab, which is more up to date)
*Cited in State Plan
National Resources
CDC Suicide Data by State
Link: Stats of the State – Suicide Mortality (
This webpage displays a map which compares the rates of suicide by state for easy comparison. For more detailed CDC suicide data, see WISQARS information below.
Available variables: State, suicide rate, number of suicides
Most Recent Data Available: 2022
Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WSQARS)*
WISQARS is an online, interactive collection of modules that provide fatal, nonfatal, and cost of injury data. Users can query for various indicators and data is presented graphically or as a table. WIQARS also houses the visualizations for top 10 leading causes of death by age.
Available variables: Injury outcome (fatal vs nonfatal), injury type, intent, mechanism, Year, geography, age, sex, race, ethnicity
Most recent data available: 2021
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
The AFSP provides factsheets of suicide laws and statistics which allows users to get a glance at suicide stats with comparisons to the national figures.
Available variables: State, leading cause of death, rate and count for state and national comparison, rank, years of potential life lost (YPLL), mechanism
Most recent data available: 2021
State-level Veteran Suicide Data*
State-level veteran data can be access through the Veteran’s Administration Suicide Prevention Webpage.
Available variables: State, Year, Sex, Age, comparisons to national and regional data, mechanisms
Most recent data available: 2021
988 Crisis Line Data*
Users can find monthly reports for crisis line answer rates by state by navigating to the “State-based Monthly Reports” tab.
Available variables: Year, Month, State, number of calls routed, received, answered in-state, flowout to backup, Average talk time in-state)
Most recent data available: May 2024
Youth Mental Health Survey*
The Youth Mental Health Survey is conducted annually by The Trevor Project. This survey focuses on understanding the mental health outcomes of LGBTQ+ youth 13-24 years across the United States.
Available variables: suicide risk, access to health and mental health care, depression and anxiety, anti-LGBTQ+ policies, victimization, discrimination, support
Most recent data available: 2024
*Cited in State Plan
Additional Data Resources
KIC Population Estimates
In addition to morbidity and mortality data, KDHE’s KIC website allows for download of population estimates for Kansas. This data can be used to understand population distributions or as denominator data for calculating rates.
Available variables: Year, sex, race, ethnicity, age group, geographic region (state, county, Kansas Health Preparedness Regions, district office regions, peer groups)
Most recent data available: 2022
Kansas Health Matters
The Kansas Health Matters website was created by the Kansas Partnership for Improving Community Health and brings community health-related statistical data, local resources and a wealth of information to one, accessible, user-friendly location.
Available variables: Geography (state, Public Health Preparedness regions, county), demographics, health indicators (substance use, chronic disease, mental health, etc.), social determinants of health (community health, economy, education, environmental health)
Most recent data available: 2024
County Health Rankings
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps (CHR&R) is a program of the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. This website provides county-level data for many health outcomes, including mental health and suicide. Data can be downloaded as maps or datasets.
Available variables: Year, geography (state, county, Zip), health outcomes (length and quality of life), health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, physical environment, etc.
Most recent data available: 2024
All Things Kansas
The K-State 105’s collaborative project, All Things Kansas, is a free interactive tool with data-driven
mapping, reports, and insights for all counties in Kansas.
Variables available: geography (school districts, county, congressional districts, etc.), built environment, crime, demographics, income, health outcomes and more.
Most recent data available: varies by source
US Census Population Estimates
The US Census Bureau has a wide range of population data that can be accessed through their web portal. Data from population estimates and American Community Survey (ACS) can be presented as tables, maps, quick facts for demographic distributions, social determinants of health, and other valuable data points.
Available variables (varies by specific source): Geography (state, county, census tract, etc.), demographics (age, sex, race, etc.), business and economy, education, employment, housing, health, income, etc.
Most recent data available: varies by source
USA Facts
The USA Facts webpage provides users with an easy-to-use interface for a snapshot of state-level
population data. Data is presented as charts with accompanying narrative to explain the graph.
Available variables: State, county, year, population, population change, demographics (race, ethnicity, age, sex)
Most recent data available: 2022
Census Reporter
Census Reporter is a webpage that provides a breadth of information by State for ACS data. This website provides clear graphics and data for various geographic levels.
Available variables: geography (national, state, county), population, area, population density,
demographics (age, sex, race/ethnicity), economics (median household income, poverty, etc.), families (number of households, marital status, etc.), social (educational attainment, foreign-born population, veteran status, etc.).
Most recent data available: 2022