If you are in Crisis- Call, Text, or Chat 988



1739 E 23rd Street Lawrence KS

Suicide Awareness Walk

Anderson County Hospital: Garnett, KS

Contact for Questions: Bev Shaul, Director of Nursing at bjshaul@saintlukes.org

Art of Hope: Artist Participation Deadline

CALLING ALL ARTISTS! If you would like to donate art supporting the KSPHQ Benefit Auction, now is the time! The gift of your masterpiece will save lives through the services offered at Kansas Suicide Prevention Headquarters, because it takes all of us to care for each of us. Some key dates to remember are listed […]

Glow 4 Life

Veterans Memorial Park: Great Bend, KS

$25 registration fee

Suicide Awareness Walk

Allen County Regional Hospital: Iola, KS

Contact for Questions: Bev Shaul, Director of Nursing at bjshaul@saintlukes.org

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

11811 S. Sunset Dr. Olathe, KS

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day, interactive, skills-based workshop for anyone 16 years of age or older who wants to feel more comfortable, confident and competent in helping to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. ASIST is a resource for the whole community. It helps people apply suicide first-aid in many settings: […]

Devin’s Ride

Brit Spaugh Park: Great Bend, KS

$25 registration fee