If you are in Crisis- Call, Text, or Chat 988



1739 E 23rd Street Lawrence KS

Community Yellow Out

Dodge City, KS

Everyone is encouraged to wear yellow to support Suicide Prevention & Awareness

Suspenders4Hope 5k & 1 Mile Memorial Walk

WSU Campus: Wichita, KS

Information: https://suspenders4hope.com/event/suspenders4hope-5k-run/ Registration: https://runsignup.com/Race/KS/Wichita/Suspenders4Hope5kand1Mile

NAMI Wichita’s 2023 Candlelight Ceremony – Rekindling Resilience

Newman University Bishop Gerber Science Center Room 105

Every year, the Wichita affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) holds a Candlelight Ceremony on the Sunday that begins Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW), which is observed nationwide. Our goals are: (1) to educate people about serious mental illness, (2) to let people know that services are available for individuals suffering from […]

2023 Mental Health Symposium – Rural Minds Matter

Fort Hays State University, Memorial Union, Ballro, Hays, KS

The mental health crisis is strongly affecting rural Kansans. This event aims to bring our community providers and professionals together to provide valuable insight, knowledge, and treatment practices. By fostering collaboration, providing education, and sharing best practices, this symposium will empower attendees to make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients of all ages […]