If you are in Crisis- Call, Text, or Chat 988
1739 E 23rd Street Lawrence KS
$25 registration fee
Link coming soon
Everyone is encouraged to wear yellow to support Suicide Prevention & Awareness
Contact Compass Behavioral Health to register: (620) 227-8566
Information: https://suspenders4hope.com/event/suspenders4hope-5k-run/ Registration: https://runsignup.com/Race/KS/Wichita/Suspenders4Hope5kand1Mile
Every year, the Wichita affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) holds a Candlelight Ceremony on the Sunday that begins Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW), which is observed nationwide. Our goals are: (1) to educate people about serious mental illness, (2) to let people know that services are available for individuals suffering from […]